General Adult Education FAQ

How many Adult Education Learning Centers are there in the county?

There are four Adult Education sites in Coconino County:  Flagstaff (CCC's 4th Str. campus), Page (CCC campus), Tuba City (TBD), & Supai (The Community Learning Center).

The majority of the Adult Education classes are also offered with a virtual option, via Zoom; as a result, individuals throughout Coconino County can participate if they have internet access and a mobile device, laptop, or PC.


English as a Second Language (ESL) FAQ

What is the required ESL orientation? Is it Required?

All new Adult Education students must complete a registration process and placement testing prior to attending classes. English-langauge (ESL) students do these steps individually with an instructor.  Please contact Debbie Goldentstein or Linda Fullerton to make an appointment and get started. 


High School Equivalency (HSE) through GED Exam FAQ

What is the required orientation?

All new HSE/GED-Prep students must complete the required orientation prior to joining classes.  Once you've completed the program registration process, you will receive an email with information about how to sign up for an in-person orientation (in Flagstaff, CCC's 4th Str. campus) or complete an online version. 


HSE/GED-Prep Orientation covers the following topics: our program’s structure and services, how the GED exams work, personal and career goal setting, and a placement test.  Once orientation is completed, students will meet with an Adult Education team member to create an educational plan by choosing classes and setting goals.

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